Multiple resources to start learning and practicing new programming skills.
I recommend creating your own original practice projects that applies the concepts and abilities you are currently learning. This is quite important to quickly gain expertise, confidence and mastery in your own hacker skills. Upload this creations to your GitHub account, each of them is meaningful for future tracking of your learning, growth and progress. Do not hesitate to reach me out if you need a hand. Let's start hacking!
- JetBrains Academy
- Developer Roadmaps
- edX
- GitHub Learning Lab
- Learn Git
- GitHub Guides
- DS & Algorithms
- Big-O Cheat Sheet
- Design Patterns
- The System Design Primer
- Open Source Guide
- How HTTPS works
- HTTP Status Codes
- CodeCombat
- VIM Adventures
- Web3
- Free Tier Dev Resources
- GitHub Education Pack
- TryHackMe
- FreeCodeCamp
- Pluralsight
- CodeAcademy
- AWSEducate
- Educative
- Learn Unity
- Udacity
- Mozilla Developer
- Tech Guide Google
- Rust Resources