tiklist generates RouterOS scripts to import common blocklists.
To use this, you'd run this on the local network, then add a script
to the router which fetches the lists it needs. For example, for a
server running at
, make a script called updateLists
:local log do={ :put $t; :log warning $t }
:local lists {
:local rscPath "disk3/tmp.rsc"
:foreach list in=$lists do={
:local url ("$list" . ".rsc");
$log t=("Fetching " . "$url");
/tool fetch mode=http port=42563 dst-path=$rscPath url=$url;
:delay 1;
:local dlsz [:tonum [/file get [ find where name=$rscPath] value-name=size]];
:if ($dlsz < 100) do={
:put "Download failed. Received $dlsz bytes.";
:log error "Download failed. Received $dlsz bytes.";
/import file-name="$rscPath";
:do { /file remove [find name=$rscPath]; } on-error={ $log t="Error deleting temp file." };
Then schedule this to run once a day:
/system script run updateLists
And on startup:
:delay 15;
/system script run updateLists