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Chua Chee Wee edited this page Oct 24, 2020 · 1 revision

ActionEditors contain actions for interacting with the IDE.

Classes Description
TIDEActions This class is designed to interact with actions and surfaces of forms in the IDE. The implementation of the methods are in implemented in descendants.
Types Description
TIDEActionsClass TIDEActions class
Routines Description
GetIDEActions Searches a class for interacting actions with the IDE, by the name of framework.
GetIDEActions Search a class for interacting action with the IDE, by list of actions.
GetFrameworkType The function returns the framework of the current module being edited.
RegisterActionsInFramework Adds a class to communicate with the IDE, for a specified framework. If a specified framework has already been registered class, then raised an exception.
UnregisterActionsInFramework This procedure unregisters a class registered by RegisterActionsInFramework.
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