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chuacw edited this page Feb 7, 2023 · 5 revisions

Provides access to a Build Configuration. For methods that take a "PropName" parameter, the list of valid PropNames can be found in the following source files:

  DCCStrs.pas:   names for Delphi compiler options
  BCCStrs.pas:   names for the C++ compiler options
  ILinkStrs.pas: names for the C++ linker options
  TLibStrs.pas:  names for the TLib tool options
  TasmStrs.pas:  names for the turbo assembler options
  BRCCStrs.pas:  names for the resource compiler options
  CommonOptionStrs.pas: names for general project options shared between Delphi and C++
  CppCommonOptionStrs.pas: names for general C++ project options

IOTABuildConfiguration140 methods and properties.

Up to Parent: IUnknown

Method Description
Clear Remove all properties.
ContainsValue For properties that are a list type, return whether or not the property "PropName" contains "Value" as one of its elements.
GetBoolean Perform a full evaluation the value of property "PropName" as a boolean, recursing through parent configurations to determine the value if none is specified on this configuration. Assumes empty value to be 'false' if no default value for the property is specified. Raises an exception if the property value cannot be converted to a boolean.
GetBoolean Perform an evaluation the value of property "PropName" as a boolean, optionally recursing through parent configurations. If IncludeInheritedValues=false, the value is determined at this configuration only. Assumes empty value to be 'false' if no default value for the property is specified. Raises an exception if the property value cannot be converted to a boolean.
GetChild Return the index'd configuration based directly on this build configuration, including local overrides.
GetChildCount Return the number of configurations based directly on this build configuration, including local overrides.
GetInteger Perform a full evaluation the value of property "PropName" as an integer, recursing through parent configurations to determine the value if none is specified on this configuration. Raises an exception if the property value cannot be converted to an integer.
GetInteger Perform an evaluation the value of property "PropName" as an integer, optionally recursing through parent configurations. If IncludeInheritedValues=false, the value is determined at this configuration only. Assumes empty value to be 'false' if no default value for the property is specified. Raises an exception if the property value cannot be converted to an integer.
GetKey Return the configuration's unique key -- this is non-translatable
GetMerged Return whether or not the property inherits values from its parent configuration. Merging only makes sense for list-type properties. To illustrate: If a parent configuration defines a property as: ListItem1;ListItem2 and a child configuration defines the same property as: ListItem3;ListItem4 then if the property is merged, the fully-merged value in the child configuration would be: ListItem3;ListItem4;ListItem1;ListItem2. If the property is not merged, the value in the child configuration would be just: ListItem3;ListItem4 In the project file, merged properties contain a reference to their own name as one of their values:<PropertyName>ListItem3;Listitem4;$(PropertyName)</PropertyName>
GetName Get the name of the configuration. This may be translated
GetPropertyCount Return the number of properties specified at this configuration.
GetPropertyName Return the index'd property specified at this configuration.
GetValue Perform an evaluation the value of property "PropName" as a string, optionally recursing through parent configurations. If IncludeInheritedValues=false, the value is determined at this configuration only.
GetValue Retrieve the value of property "PropName" recursing through parent configurations. Returns empty string if the property doesn't exist. Can't tell empty properties from non-existent ones, use PropertyExists() to determine if a property actually is specified.
GetValues Perform an evaluation the value of property "PropName" as a string list, optionally recursing through parent configurations. If IncludeInheritedValues=false, the value is determined at this configuration only.
InheritedValues Evaluates the value of "PropName" up to, but not including, this build configuration as a string list. Only valid for list-type properties.
InsertValues Insert one or more values into a list-type property, at index 'Location'.
IsEmpty Returns whether or not the configuration has any properties at all.
IsModified Returns whether or not the configuration has been modified since last save.
PropertyExists Returns true if the property "PropName" has any value, including a null or empty value, false if no property of that name exists in the configuration.
Remove Remove all properties with name "PropName" from the configuration.
RemoveValues Removes 'Values' from list-type properties if they exist.
SetBoolean Sets value of "PropName" as a boolean on this configuration.
SetInteger Sets value of "PropName" as an integer on this configuration
SetMerged Controls whether or not the property "PropName" has it's value merged with inherited values from parent configurations.
SetName Set the name of this configuration
SetValue Set the value of property "PropName".
SetValues Replaces all values of list-type property "PropName" with "Values".
Property Description
AsBoolean Calls GetBoolean or SetBoolean.
AsInteger Calls GetInteger or SetInteger.
ChildCount Calls GetChildCount.
Children Calls GetChild ro return the Index'd item.
Key Calls GetKey.
Merged Calls GetMerged or SetMerged.
Name Calls GetName or SetName.
Parent Calls GetParent.
Properties Calls GetPropertyName to return the Index'd item.
PropertyCount Calls GetPropertyCount.
Value Calls GetValue or SetValue.
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