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How Scavenger Hunt Works

Stacie Taylor-Cima edited this page Sep 1, 2018 · 1 revision

in progress...

Content Management

  • Content Managers add representations tagged with the Scavenger Hunt: Clue, Hint, Clue Prompt, Answer, and Clue Position (optional) metum to a resource.
  • Content Managers add "approved" status to only 1 Clue, Clue Prompt, Answer, and Clue Position for each resource they'd like included in the Scavenger Hunt. "Approved" status can also be added to as many Scavenger Hunt: Hints as desired for a resource.

Game Creation

  • A player access the Scavneger Hunt game at (only in staging right now), clicks "Begin Game", and selects their location.
  • When the location is selected, Scavenger Hunt looks at that organizaiton's representaions and creates a clue for every representation that has the Scavenger Hunt: Clue metum AND approved status.
  • After clues are saved, Scavenger Hunt looks for all the organizaiton's representaions and creates a hint for every representation that has the Scavenger Hunt: Hint metum AND approved status.

Answer Acceptance


