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How to Create Content for a Scavenger Hunt

Stacie Taylor-Cima edited this page Sep 11, 2018 · 2 revisions

Before a Scavenger Hunt begins, the museum staff is responsible for configuring the content for the game. Follow these steps to build your organization's Scavenger Hunt:

Scavenger Hunt Bundle Example: (A "bundle" is when a resource is sent to the Scanveger Hunt with a clue, hint, question, and answer.)

  • Clue: Small white circles connected by thin wire balance opposite a thicker orange wire weighted by an orange rudder-like shape.
  • Hint 1: It’s in Heaven and Earth
  • Hint 2: It’s all on the table
  • Hint 3: Not all mobiles hang from the ceiling
  • Question: What’s the first word in the title?
  • Answer: Orange

Create a Clue

  • Access the resource you want to include in the Scavenger Hunt > click "Describe"
    • Text: Include your clue here.
    • Metum: Scavenger Hunt: Clue
    • Click "Create Description"
  • In the resource's list of representations, click "Edit" next to the "Scavenger Hunt: Clue" that you would like to officially include in the Scavenger Hunt.
    • Status: Approved
    • IMPORTANT: only 1 clue should have "approved status.

Create an Question

  • Access the resource you want to include in the Scavenger Hunt > click "Describe"
    • Text: Include your clue here.
    • Metum: Scavenger Hunt: Question
    • Click "Create Description"
  • In the resource's list of representations, click "Edit" next to the "Scavenger Hunt: Question" that you would like to officially include in the Scavenger Hunt.
    • Status: Approved
    • IMPORTANT: only 1 question should have "approved" status.

Create an Answer

  • Access the resource you want to include in the Scavenger Hunt > click "Describe"
    • Text: Include the answer to your Question here.
    • Metum: Scavenger Hunt: Answer
    • Click "Create Description"
  • In the resource's list of representations, click "Edit" next to the "Scavenger Hunt: Answer" that you would like to officially include in the Scavenger Hunt.
    • Status: Approved
    • IMPORTANT: only 1 answer should have "approved" status.

Create Hints

  • Access the resource you want to include in the Scavenger Hunt > click "Describe"
    • Text: Include your hint here.
    • Ordinality (not required): add an integer to the ordinality field to specify what order the hints will be viewed by the player.
    • Metum: Scavenger Hunt: Hint
    • Click "Create Description"
  • In the resource's list of representations, click "Edit" next to the "Scavenger Hunt: Hint" that you would like to officially include in the Scavenger Hunt.
    • Status: Approved
    • IMPORTANT: Many hints can have "approved" status.

Add a Clue Position (not required)

  • The Scavenger Hunt: Position Metum exists so that the content manager can specify what order the clues should be delivered to the player.
  • Access the resource you want to include in the Scavenger Hunt > click "Describe"
    • Text: Insert an integer here that specifies where in the game you'd like the clue to fall.
    • Metum: Scavenger Hunt: Clue Position
    • Click "Create Description"
  • In the resource's list of representations, click "Edit" next to the "Scavenger Hunt: Clue Position" that you would like to officially include in the Scavenger Hunt.
    • Status: Approved
    • IMPORTANT: only 1 clue position should have "approved" status.