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Jonathan Casarrubias edited this page Dec 26, 2016 · 12 revisions

You should create an application and software development kit by using the FireLoop CLI Tool before being able to use the following API.

##FireLoop API Documentation Index

##Importing RealTime Service The LoopBack SDK Builder will generate and provide an Angular 2 service that can be injected within our constructor as follows:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';


export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
    this.realTime.FireLoop // explore with intellisense

##Waiting for Connection When using any real-time feature, you first need to make sure your client application is connected with the server through web sockets.

The following example illustrates how to wait for a connection to be established by using the onReady method.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';


export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() => {
            // Register FireLoop References in here....

##How to Create Data The following example will crate a new room instance through the new FireLoop API using WebSockets instead of the Standard LoopBack HTTP REST API protocol.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';
import { Room, FireLoopRef } from './shared/sdk/models';


export class AppComponent {

  private room: Room = new Room({ name: 'Hello FireLoop Room' });
  private RoomReference: FireLoopRef<Room>;
  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() =>
            this.RoomReference = this.realTime.FireLoop.ref<Room>(Room)
  create(): void {
    this.RoomReference.create( Room) => console.log(instance));

There will be always a new instance created after using the create method, but you can also use upsert which will create or update the instance.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';
import { Room, FireLoopRef } from './shared/sdk/models';


export class AppComponent {

  private room: Room = new Room({ name: 'Hello FireLoop Room' });
  private RoomReference: FireLoopRef<Room>;

  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() =>
            this.RoomReference = this.realTime.FireLoop.ref<Room>(Room)
  upsert(): void {
    this.RoomReference.upsert( Room) => console.log(instance));

By using upsert, FireLoop will verify if the item is already persisted and update it, otherwise it will create a new instance.

##How to Remove Data The following example will remove a room instance through the new FireLoop API using WebSockets.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';
import { Room, FireLoopRef } from './shared/sdk/models';


export class AppComponent {

  private room: Room = new Room({ name: 'Hello FireLoop Room' });
  private RoomReference: FireLoopRef<Room>;

  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() =>
            this.RoomReference = this.realTime.FireLoop.ref<Room>(Room)
  remove(room: Room): void {
    this.RoomReference.remove(room).subscribe((removed: Room) => {});

##Available Events

Event Description
change This event will return an array of persisted elements and will keep firing on any change for the current Model Reference
value This event will return an array of persisted elements and will keep firing when new values are added in the current Model Reference
child_added This event will fire once for each persisted items and will keep firing when new values are added in the current Model Reference, returning only the newly created child element
child_changed This event will fire once for each changed item. It will return a reference of the updated element
child_removed This event will fire once for each removed items It will return a reference of the removed element

##Read Data Using 'change' Event This is the recommended read event for real-time lists because it will be in sync any time there is a reference modification; this means that at any addition, removal or modification of any child within the reference will trigger a client synchronization.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';
import { Room, FireLoopRef } from './shared/sdk/models';


export class AppComponent {

  private RoomReference: FireLoopRef<Room>;

  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() =>
            this.RoomReference = this.realTime.FireLoop.ref<Room>(Room)
            this.RoomReference.on('change').subscribe((rooms: Array<Room>) => console.log(rooms));

##Read Data Using 'value' Event Similar to Firebase, you are now able to listen for references changes by subscribing to the value event.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';
import { Room, FireLoopRef } from './shared/sdk/models';


export class AppComponent {

  private RoomReference: FireLoopRef<Room>;

  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() =>
            this.RoomReference = this.realTime.FireLoop.ref<Room>(Room)
            this.RoomReference.on('value').subscribe((rooms: Array<Room>) => console.log(rooms));

The example above will list the persisted items (Rooms) the first time and will keep firing every time there is a new value added.

When not query is defined the value Event will return the latest 100 records from the database.

##Listen 'child_added' Event

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';
import { Room, FireLoopRef } from './shared/sdk/models';


export class AppComponent {

  private RoomReference: FireLoopRef<Room>;

  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() =>
            this.RoomReference = this.realTime.FireLoop.ref<Room>(Room)
            this.RoomReference.on('child_added').subscribe((room: Room) => console.log(room));

##Listen 'child_changed' Event

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';
import { Room, FireLoopRef } from './shared/sdk/models';


export class AppComponent {

  private RoomReference: FireLoopRef<Room>;

  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() =>
            this.RoomReference = this.realTime.FireLoop.ref<Room>(Room)
            this.RoomReference.on('child_changed').subscribe((room: Room) => console.log(room));

##Listen 'child_removed' Event

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';
import { Room, FireLoopRef } from './shared/sdk/models';


export class AppComponent {

  private RoomReference: FireLoopRef<Room>;

  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() =>
            this.RoomReference = this.realTime.FireLoop.ref<Room>(Room)
            this.RoomReference.on('child_removed').subscribe((room: Room) => console.log(room));

##Querying Data Since the built in LoopBack Query Language is really mature, I decided to keep using it in order to allow you pull the information according your necessities.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';
import { Room, FireLoopRef } from './shared/sdk/models';


export class AppComponent {

  private RoomReference: FireLoopRef<Room>;

  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() =>
            this.RoomReference = this.realTime.FireLoop.ref<Room>(Room)
              limit: 10,
              order: 'id DESC',
              include: 'members'
            }).subscribe((rooms: Room[]) => console.log(rooms));

For more information about how to query data see the following documentation

##Working with Child References Working with child references will allow you to persist a relation between a parent and a child reference. For instance when creating messages in a room chat, we want these to be persisted within the right Room.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RealTime } from './shared/sdk/services';
import { Room, Message, FireLoopRef } from './shared/sdk/models';


export class AppComponent {

  private RoomReference: FireLoopRef<Room>;
  private MessageReference: FireLoopRef<Message>;
  private room: Room = new Room({ name: 'FireLoop Room' });
  private message: Room = new Message({ text: 'Test Message' });

  constructor(private realTime: RealTime) {
        .subscribe(() =>
            this.RoomReference = this.realTime.FireLoop.ref<Room>(Room)
            this.RoomReference.upsert( Room) => {
             // Create a Child Reference
             this.MessageReference = RoomReference.make(instance).child<Message>('messages');
                (messages: Array<Message>) =>
              MessageReference.upsert(this.message).subscribe((res: Message) => console.log(res.text));

The example above will create a new Room and then will create a MessageReference, now you can store or listen for messages within this specific room. Everything related with this reference will persist the relationship Parent -> Child.

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