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Handle Disconnections

Jonathan Casarrubias edited this page May 4, 2017 · 5 revisions

Handle Disconnections

Sometimes when a user is disconnected from the server, some business rules required to be applied. For example if your program is a chat application, you might want to show to others when a user disconnects.

NOTE: Functionality available on [email protected] or above

import { BootScript } from '@mean-expert/boot-script';

interface Account {
    id: string,
    connected: boolean;
    updateAttributes: Function;

interface Socket { token: { userId: string } }

class OnDisconnect {

    constructor(public app: any) {
        app.on('socket-disconnect', (socket: Socket) => this.handler(socket));

    handler(socket: Socket): void {
        if (socket.token && socket.token.userId) {
            let userId: string = `${ socket.token.userId }`
  , (err: Error, account: Account) => {
                console.log('A user has been disconnected:',;
                account.updateAttributes({ connected: false  });

module.exports = OnDisconnect;
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