This repository contains scripts used to analyze data from exposing LCLs, IPSCs, and CMs to 28 treatments, as detailed in Findley et al (2021). It is divided into two folders: Shallow and Deep. The Shallow folder contains scripts necessary for aligning the shallow RNA-sequencing reads and running DESeq2 to identify differentially expressed genes. The Deep folder contains scripts to align deep RNA-sequencing reads, identify differentially expressed and differentially spliced genes, identify instances of allele-specific expression (ASE) and conditional ASE (cASE), and partition the variance in gene expression, splicing, and ASE.
- Aligns fastq's to the human genome (build GRCh37) using HISAT2 and performs QC and deduplication
- Counts number of aligned reads per transcript
- bed2GeneCounts.R: Generates gene expression count matrix, where rows are transcripts and columns are sequencing libraries, to be used in DESeq2
- DESeq.R: Run DESeq2 on gene expression count matrix to identify differentially expressed transcripts
- Aligns fastq's to the human genome (build GRCh37) using HISAT2 and performs QC and deduplication
- Combines bam files from 2 rounds of deep sequencing for CM plates
- Counts number of aligned reads per transcript
- bed2GeneCounts.R: Generates gene expression count matrix, where rows are transcripts and columns are sequencing libraries, to be used in DESeq2
- DESeq.R: Run DESeq2 on gene expression count matrix to identify differentially expressed transcripts in response to each treatment
- GO_DEGs.R: Gene ontology analysis comparing differentially expressed genes in each condition to the background of all expressed genes
- DESeq_cell_treat_interact.R: Run DESeq2 on gene expression count matrix to identify treatment x cell type interactions using a likelihood ratio test.
- DEG_DSG_enrich.R: Calculate enrichment of differentially expressed genes in differentially spliced genes
- VarPart_cellTogether_GE.R: Variance partitioning of gene expression on all cell types together
- VarPart_cellSep_GE.R: Variance partitioning of gene expression on cell types separately
- VarPart_Splice.R: Variance partitioning of splicing, including both all cell types together and each cell type separately
- ai_processing.R : Creates pileup files, which describes the number of reads mapping to each allele at heterozygous sites
- Pileup_makefile: Used for submitting each sequencing library to ai_processing.R
- QuASAR_prep.R: Prepares makefiles to be analyzed by QuASAR
- combine_controls.R: Combines technical replicates of the 2 controls within each plate
- QuASAR_pipeline.R: Run QuASAR for each individual-plate combination
- ASE_barplot.R: Create barplot of ASE per treatment in Figure 3A
- ASE_cor.R: Calculate correlations in ASE across individual, treatment, etc. and make Figure 3B
- cASE_bigAnalysis_allCells.R: Analysis of cASE and ASE variance on all cell types analyzed together
- cASE_bigAnalysis_CellSep.R: Analysis of cASE and ASE variance on cell types analyzed separately
- ASE_cASE_annot_enrich.R: Calculate the enrichment of ASE and cASE SNPs in genomic annotations (Figure 3G)
- GTEx_cASE_enrich.R: Calculate enrichment of ASE and cASE SNPs in GTEx eQTLs (Figure 3E)