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This repository contains all scripts files of the GxP project

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This repository contains all scripts files of the GxP project. This repository has been superseeded by the (GxP)[]

General report

This document contains all the analysis performed so far for the gxp project. I processed the raw fastq files through a several steps, including raw reads alignment, quality check, sorting and annotation, using a pipeline that incorporates various tools such as FastQC, HISAT2, Samtools, HTseq and DEseq2.

List of batches analysed: GxP1:

• 220324_NS500258_0518_AHJG33BGXK (considered as old sequences)

• 221020_NS500258_0531_AHJF3GBGXK (considered as new sequences)

Then merged

  Script used: For each batch, it was created a folder dedicated for the analysis and results. Inside each folder(batch), three folders were created; “bams” for the alignment, “counts” for reads counting, and “deseq” for the differential gene expression analysis. First step, in the “bams” folder the following scripts were added and launched.

set={Folder to the fastq files for the specific batch}
ls /wsu/home/groups/piquelab/OurData/Nextseq/GxP/ ${set} | while read fastq_file; do echo ${fastq_file%_R*}; done | uniq > names.txt
cat names.txt | while read var; do sbatch --export=var=${var}; done is the bash script file that is being called by

# Job name
#SBATCH --job-name alignment
# Submit to the primary QoS
#SBATCH -q primary
# Request one node
# Total number of cores, in this example it will 1 node with 1 core each. 
#SBATCH -n 8
# Request memory
#SBATCH --mem=100G
# Request a node with avx2 instruction set 
#SBATCH --constraint=avx2
# Mail when the job begins, ends, fails, requeues 
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
# Where to send email alerts
#SBATCH [email protected]
# Create an output file that will be output_<jobid>.out 
#SBATCH -o output_%j.out
# Create an error file that will be error_<jobid>.out
#SBATCH -e errors_%j.err
# Set maximum time limit 
#SBATCH --time=1-01:00:00

module load hisat2/2.0.4
module load samtools/1.4

set={Folder to the fastq files for the specific batch}

#Update this "path" if copied from another directory
filePath= /wsu/home/groups/piquelab/OurData/Nextseq/GxP/${set}


###Align Reads###

hisat2 -p 8 -x ${genomeindex} -1 ${filePath}/${var}_R1_001.fastq.gz \
                              -2 ${filePath}/${var}_R2_001.fastq.gz \
      2> ${var}_aligned.bam.e | samtools view -b1 - > ${var}_aligned.bam

###Sort Reads###
samtools sort -@ 4 -T tmp_${var}_aligned.bam -o ${var}_sorted.bam ${var}_aligned.bam
samtools index ${var}_sorted.bam
samtools view -c ${var}_sorted.bam > ${var}_sorted_count.txt

###Quality Filter###
samtools view -b1 -q10 ${var}_sorted.bam > ${var}_quality.bam
samtools index ${var}_quality.bam
samtools view -c ${var}_quality.bam > ${var}_quality_count.txt

samtools rmdup ${var}_quality.bam ${var}_clean.bam
samtools index ${var}_clean.bam
samtools view -c ${var}_clean.bam > ${var}_clean_count.txt

echo ${var} >> finished.txt

# Job name
#SBATCH --job-name alignmentsummary
# Submit to the primary QoS
#SBATCH -q primary
# Request one node
# Total number of cores, in this example it will 1 node with 1 core each. 
#SBATCH -n 8
# Request memory
#SBATCH --mem=100G
# Request a node with avx2 instruction set 
#SBATCH --constraint=avx2
# Mail when the job begins, ends, fails, requeues 
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
# Where to send email alerts
#SBATCH [email protected]
# Create an output file that will be output_<jobid>.out 
#SBATCH -o output_%j.out
# Create an error file that will be error_<jobid>.out
#SBATCH -e errors_%j.err
# Set maximum time limit 
#SBATCH --time=1-01:00:00

#Making counts.csv
for i in `ls *sorted_count.txt`; do echo "$i"| cut -d_ -f1,2,3 >m ; cat m| tr "\n" " "; cat $i; done > sorted.txt
for i in `ls *quality_count.txt`; do echo "$i"| cut -d_ -f1,2,3 >m ; cat m| tr "\n" " "; cat $i; done > quality.txt
for i in `ls *clean_count.txt`; do echo "$i"| cut -d_ -f1,2,3 >m ; cat m| tr "\n" " "; cat $i; done > clean.txt

join sorted.txt quality.txt > tmp.txt
join tmp.txt clean.txt > all_counts.txt

rm m
rm tmp.txt
rm sorted.txt
rm quality.txt
rm clean.txt

#To make list of total number of reads processed by HTcnts for i in cat names.txt; do echo -n "$i " >> total_reads.txt; head -1 ${i}_aligned.bam.e|cut -d ' ' -f1 >> total_reads.txt;done

#names.txt This file contains a list of all fastq files found and used for the alignment step. It is generated by   Second step, in the folder “counts” the following scripts were added and launched

set={Folder to the fastq files for the specific batch}
ls /wsu/home/groups/piquelab/OurData/Nextseq/GxP/ ${set} | while read fastq_file; do echo ${fastq_file%_R*}; done | uniq > names.txt
cat names.txt | while read var; do sbatch --export=var=${var}; done
mkdir counts2 #all file containing counts will be move to this folder is the bash script file that is being called by

# Job name
#SBATCH --job-name readscounting
# Submit to the primary QoS
#SBATCH -q primary
# Request one node
# Total number of cores, in this example it will 1 node with 1 core each. 
#SBATCH -n 8
# Request memory
#SBATCH --mem=100G
# Request a node with avx2 instruction set 
#SBATCH --constraint=avx2
# Mail when the job begins, ends, fails, requeues 
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
# Where to send email alerts
#SBATCH [email protected]
# Create an output file that will be output_<jobid>.out 
#SBATCH -o output_%j.out
# Create an error file that will be error_<jobid>.out
#SBATCH -e errors_%j.err
# Set maximum time limit 
#SBATCH --time=1-01:00:00

module unload python
module load anaconda3.python
source activate htseq


htseq-count ../bams/${var}_clean.bam  $gtffile --stranded=reverse -f bam  > counts2/$var.cnts

echo ${var} >> Finished.txt

  Move to the folder “counts2” which was previously created with script. Then add and launch the following script

# Job name
#SBATCH --job-name readscountingsummary
# Submit to the primary QoS
#SBATCH -q primary
# Request one node
# Total number of cores, in this example it will 1 node with 1 core each. 
#SBATCH -n 8
# Request memory
#SBATCH --mem=100G
# Request a node with avx2 instruction set 
#SBATCH --constraint=avx2
# Mail when the job begins, ends, fails, requeues 
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
# Where to send email alerts
#SBATCH [email protected]
# Create an output file that will be output_<jobid>.out 
#SBATCH -o output_%j.out
# Create an error file that will be error_<jobid>.out
#SBATCH -e errors_%j.err
# Set maximum time limit 
#SBATCH --time=1-01:00:00

a=`head -n 1 ../names.txt`
## cd counts
cut -f 1 "$a".cnts >counts.txt
for i in ` cat ../names.txt`
	cut -f 2 "$i".cnts >tmp1
	cp counts.txt tmp2
	paste tmp2 tmp1 >counts.txt
# add header
# add header
echo "Genes" >tmp1.txt
`cat ../names.txt >tmp2.txt`
cat tmp1.txt tmp2.txt|paste -s -d '\t' >tmp3.txt
cp counts.txt tmp1.txt
cat tmp3.txt tmp1.txt >counts.txt
rm tmp1.txt
rm tmp2.txt
rm tmp3.txt
rm tmp1
rm tmp2


This repository contains all scripts files of the GxP project






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