This project is an attempt to make a ML model that can match co-founders based on their skills and experiences using cosine similarities and showing it on a web app using streamlit.
Unfortunately model gives co-founders with similar skills and experiences rather than complementary skills. We can say this model isn't working to reach our goals.
Files are a mess but if you want to run this:
You can try this model by running file with adding streamlit run then location of this folder. working_matcher works too but don't have test data.
DATA Project includes dataset from Y-Combinator startups, you can access here:
Data needed to be pre-processed for our project. This included creating new dataset which includes founder's data and combining other open source data like motivation and values. Those data is compiled from LinkedIn referrals/testimonials. (Thanks for the resource advice Oscar!)
Some profiles didn't included testimonials which made data gathering process variable and hard to conclude, so i passed with founders/co-founders that didn't have this information.
PIPELINE Project pipeline includes: Data gathering from LinkedIn and open sources. Data preprocessing* (Adding founder's motivations and values to the dataset) Vectorizing skills and experiences Looking to co-founder's cosine similarities Rank them in order
IMPROVEMENTS Possible Future Improvements: Creating a model that gives complimentary options rather than similar ones Testing the model (Includes labelling and formatting)