You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 18
This pages introduces variables that you need to set up prior to deploying your instance. It is not a comprehensive list
of all possible properties for that see dspace.cfg
and the *.cfg
files in [dspace-src]/dspace/config/modules
The best way is to start is with our template configuration file. It contains sensible defaults as an example and is well
cp $DSPACE_WORKSPACE/config/local.conf.dist $DSPACE_WORKSPACE/sources/local.properties
vim local.properties
The list of variables might be in different order than what the template shows.
There are some details at the PIDs page
- lr.pid.service.type =
- lr.pid.service.url = https://handle.gwdg.de/pidservice/
- lr.pid.service.user =
- lr.pid.service.pass =
- lr.pid.service.testPid =
- lr.pid.community.configurations = community=*,prefix=99999,type=local,canonical_prefix=http://hdl.handle.net/
- lr.pid.resolvemetadata = true
- dspace.install.dir = /opt/lindat-dspace/installation
- where the web app will be deployed (
), but don't use variables
- where the web app will be deployed (
You need to set up the hostname, baseUrl and oai url.
- dspace.hostname = ufal-point-dev.ms.mff.cuni.cz
- should match base URL. Do not include protocol i.e. http or https and do not include port, this is only the name of server. Also do not use localhost because using this property some external links will be generated
- dspace.baseUrl = https://ufal-point-dev.ms.mff.cuni.cz/repository
- https:// + hostname + $DSPACE_INSTANCE_NAME (a part of the context path set in tomcat)
- dspace.oai.url = http://ufal-point-dev.ms.mff.cuni.cz/repository/oai
- for oai identify response, use http!
- dspace.url = ${dspace.baseUrl}/xmlui
- solr.server = http://localhost/repository/solr
- make sure this is available via localhost on http
Database related configs:
- db.maxidle = -1
- db.schema =
- db.maxwait = 5000
- db.maxconnections = 30
- db.statementpool = true
- db.poolname = dspacepool
- lr.database = XXX-LR-DATABASE
- The name of the database that you will use for your dspace instance. If the database is not created yet, this name will be used to create the new database. Be careful with the trailing spaces in the name!
- lr.database.port = 5432
- db.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:${lr.database.port}/${lr.database}
- db.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
- db.username = dspace
- name of the database user
- db.password =
- password for the above user
- lr.utilities.database = XXX-UTILS-DATABASE
- name of database used to store licenses, etc. (must be different from lr.database)
- lr.utilities.db.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:${lr.database.port}/${lr.utilities.database}
- lr.autocomplete.on=true
- lr.autocomplete.solr.url=${dspace.url}/JSON/solr/
- you'll need to add a rewrite for this to work
location /repository/xmlui/JSON/solr/ { rewrite /repository/xmlui/JSON/solr/(.*) /repository/solr/search/select/?q=*:*&rows=0&facet=on&wt=json&indent=true&facet.field=$1 break; proxy_pass http://localhost:8088; }
- lr.autocomplete.json_static.url=${dspace.url}/static/json/
- lr.allow.edit.metadata =
- a comma separated list of collection names or ids. If the name is listed all submitter will be allowed to edit metadata of their submissions even after the submission was made
- lr.download.all.limit.min.file.count = 1
- lr.download.all.limit.max.file.size = 1073741824
- lr.download.all.alert.min.file.size = 10485760
- lr.upload.file.alert.max.file.size = 2147483648
- the size of the largest file that can be uploaded, you can only make this number lower.
- lr.shibboleth.log.path = /opt/shibboleth-sp/var/log/shibboleth
- the path to shibboleth log dir
- lr.shibboleth.log.defaultName = shibd.log
- lr.shibboleth.discofeed.url = https://ufal-point-dev.ms.mff.cuni.cz/Shibboleth.sso/DiscoFeed
- url of the discovery feed handler
- lr.aai.url = https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/aai
- Location of aai.js and discojuice libraries. You'll find more details at https://github.com/ufal/lindat-aai-discovery
- https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/pull/982 shows an idea how to disable discojuice
- lr.xmlui.user.showlanguage = false
- lr.harvestable.assetstore =
- When you are cloning you repository from one machine to another, this option will allow you to obtain the files from disk and not via http
- lr.utilities.functionalityManager.class = cz.cuni.mff.ufal.lindat.utilities.HibernateFunctionalityManager
- lr.dspace.version =
- a version string, can be added to name
- dspace.name =
- Long name and/or descripition
- lr.dspace.name.short =
- used in email templates
Email related setting, you should enable the mail server in production. You can set different recipients for different emails.
- mail.server =
- mail.server.username =
- leave blank if none needed
- mail.server.password =
- mail.server.port = 25
- mail.server.disabled = true
- lr.help.mail =
- lr.help.phone =
- mail.from.address =
- mail.feedback.recipient =
- info.recipient =
- mail.alert.recipient = ${mail.admin}
- mail.registration.notify = ${mail.admin}
- mail.admin = ${mail.feedback.recipient}
- lr.errors.email=
- Email where errors logged from specific loggers will be sent.
- If you will not use this feature, update dspace.cfg and set this variable to an empty string.
- lr.ga.analytics.key.file = ${dspace.dir}/config/ga.api.key.p12
- Make sure to copy the real API key file to this location upon first installation
- If you leave this empty, the link to 'statistics-google' won't be generated in the navigation menu #535
- lr.ga.analytics.profile.id = 52779327
- lr.ga.analytics.account.email = [email protected]
- xmlui.google.analytics.key =
- this variable is used by default DSpace GA implementation
- leave empty
See Backup page for more details
- lr.dspace.source.dir = /opt/lindat-dspace/sources/
- to display the backup configs in control panel
- lr.backup.source = (/opt/lindat-dspace/installation/ /opt/lindat-dspace/database/ /opt/lindat-dspace/sources/ /etc/apache2 /etc/libapache2-mod-jk /opt/shibboleth-sp/etc/shibboleth /etc/tomcat6/ /etc/cron.d/dspace)
- lr.backup.target = "/home/backup/"
- backup2l.max.level = 1
- backup2l.max.per.level = 6
- backup2l.max.full = 4
- backup2l.generations = 4
You can safely skip these, see Eudat Replication for more details.
- lr.replication.eudat.on=false
- lr.replication.eudat.protocol=irods
- lr.replication.eudat.host=
- lr.replication.eudat.port=
- lr.replication.eudat.username=
- lr.replication.eudat.password=
- lr.replication.eudat.homedirectory=
- lr.replication.eudat.replicadirectory=
- lr.replication.eudat.zone=
- lr.replication.eudat.defaultstorage=
- lr.replication.eudat.id=
- lr.replication.eudat.notification_email=${info.recipient}
- lr.replication.eudat.retrievetopath=
- lr.replication.jargon.numThreads=
- lr.replication.jargon.MAX_SZ_FOR_SINGLE_BUF=
- lr.replication.jargon.BUFFER_SIZE=
- lr.replication.jargon.PUT_LOG_AFTER=
In most cases you can skip these. See Selenium page for more details.
- selenium.test.home.url = /xmlui
- selenium.test.browse.url = /xmlui/browse
- selenium.test.search.url = /xmlui/discover
- selenium.test.submission.url = /xmlui/submissions
- selenium.test.submit.url = /xmlui/submit
- selenium.test.local.login = /xmlui/password-login
- selenium.test.oai.url = /oai
- selenium.test.user.id =
- selenium.test.user.password =
- selenium.test.user.name =
- selenium.test.admin.id =
- selenium.test.admin.password =
- selenium.test.admin.name =
Variables used in dspace/config/crosswalks/oai/description*.xml
. These description files appear in Identify response
- lr.repository.identifier = lindat.mff.cuni.cz
- lr.repository.sampleIdentifier = oai:lindat.mff.cuni.cz:11858/00-097C-0000-0001-487A-4
- lr.description.archiveURL =
- lr.description.participant.name =
- lr.description.institution =
- lr.description.institutionURL =
- lr.description.shortLocation =
- lr.description.location =
- lr.description.synopsis =
- lr.desription.access =
- lr.description.archivalSubmissionPolicy =
If you do not run your own piwik server set this to disabled. More details at Piwik page
- lr.tracker.enabled = true
- lr.tracker.type = piwik
- lr.tracker.api.url = https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/piwik/piwik.php
- lr.tracker.api.auth.token =
- lr.tracker.oai.site_id = 5
- lr.tracker.bitstream.site_id = 5
- lr.statistics.api.mode = direct
- mode is
is the pre #770 (https://github.com/ufal/lindat_piwik_reports) version
- mode is
- lr.statistics.api.cached.url =
- endpoint of the https://github.com/ufal/lindat_piwik_reports project if
mode is used
- endpoint of the https://github.com/ufal/lindat_piwik_reports project if
- lr.statistics.api.url = https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/piwik/
- lr.statistics.api.auth.token =
- lr.statistics.api.site_id = 5
- lr.statistics.report.path = ${dspace.dir}/piwik_reports
- lr.statistics.show_last_n = 7
- lr.lindat.logo.mono = ${dspace.dir}/webapps/xmlui/themes/UFAL/images/lindat/lindat-logo-mono.png
- logo in pdf reports
Can be left without changes
- lr.curation.metadata.checkrequired.ignore = metashare.*
- lr.link.checker.user.agent = "DSpace Link Validator"
- lr.link.checker.connect.timeout = 2000
- lr.link.checker.read.timeout = 3000
- harvesterInfo.url = http://catalog.clarin.eu/oai-harvester/
- url of the vlo harvester results, for checking if the harvester got all our resources
- supported.locales = en, cs
- locales supported by your instance
- the rule of thumb is leave this to en unless you are certain the appropriate messages_??.xml file exists and the necessary javascript files are taken care of
- default.language = en_US
- http.proxy.host =
- http.proxy.port =
- handle.canonical.prefix = http://hdl.handle.net/
- ?
- handle.prefix = 123456789
- in case you are managing only one prefix, it should be ok to set this to that prefix. It will get used for example when you create the first community.
- in other cases either set it to the prefix you consider "default", or leave it at the example value
- see #563
- loglevel.other=INFO
- loglevel.dspace=INFO
- handle.dir=${dspace.dir}/handle-server
- lr.compile.time=