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Minutes 2017 12 20

ericvoit edited this page Dec 21, 2017 · 2 revisions
Meeting Materials Attending
(These notes) Tianran Zhou, Xufeng Liu, Eric Voit, Zhengguangying (Walker), Henk Birkholz, Igor

Summary of changes in drafts based on mailing list interactions

  • Eric reviewed changes. No objections. Note, see updated file here as I have separated the configured subscription state machine into two parts for simplified reading.

Attestation and signatures and bundles in draft-ietf-netconf-notification-messages

  • After Eric & Henk discussions, we are working one common header. We will decide later if a degenerate case to carry a single notification record provides efficiency.

        +--ro message-header
        |  +--ro message-time            yang:date-and-time
        |  +--ro message-id?             uint32
        |  +--ro message-generator-id?   string
        |  +--ro notification-count?     uint16
        +--ro notifications*
        |  +--ro notification-header
        |  |  +--ro notification-time         yang:date-and-time
        |  |  +--ro yang-module?              yang:yang-identifier
        |  |  +--ro yang-notification-name?   notification-type
        |  |  +--ro subscription-id*          uint32
        |  |  +--ro notification-id?          uint32
        |  |  +--ro observation-domain-id?    string
        |  +--ro notification-contents?   
        |  +--ro notification-footer!
        |     +--ro signature-algorithm    string
        |     +--ro signature-value        string
        |     +--ro integrity-evidence?    string
        +--ro message-footer!
           +--ro signature-algorithm    string
           +--ro signature-value        string
           +--ro integrity-evidence?    string

Open questions:

Based on what Andy was asking for in order to get some processing efficiency, should we have a separate container for each subscription in the list? Right now, we discover a new notification message every time we see a new notification-header. But is that too complicated, is it better to encapsulate? Should get an opinion from the NETCONF alias.

Alignment of I2NSF & YANG Push comparison (Henk)

I2NSF model should be updates to become a series of Notifications. Each of these notifications can fall under the bundled header listed above.

Future meetings

In 2 weeks

  • Framework concepts for ECA (Igor/Xufeng)

    • Produce discussion material on a Generalized Network Control Automation framework. Discussion material is preferable to a detailed specification at this time as there is a lot which is still moving.
  • Security & UDP Transport (Tianran)

    • What else is needed for defining the UDP. Can we start with defining the delta from the NETCONF bindings or HTTP2 bindings.
    • Call home considerations are needed for security as call home needs some selection for this scenario.

In 4 weeks

  • Multi linecard (Tiaran)
    • Next step: a technical specification for the various transactions previously identified as needed for the interaction model described in the draft.

6 Weeks+

  • Smartfilters (Alex)
    • Open Question: Do we include aggregation as part of the filtering? Said no before, but Henk thinks perhaps useful.
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