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Minutes 2018 01 03

ericvoit edited this page Jan 3, 2018 · 3 revisions
Meeting Materials Attending
WebEx Recording password: Dzqd4AtF Tianran Zhou, Xufeng Liu, Eric Voit, Zhengguangying (Walker), Henk Birkholz, Andy Bierman, Igor Bryskin

Framework concepts for ECA (Igor/Xufeng)

  • Reviewed discussion material on a Generalized Network Control Automation framework.
  • Good intro material exists, next up it needs to be put into the context of existing YANG drafts/constructs. This includes:
    • Subsystem of YANG subscription which feeds info into server based scripting environment
    • Full blown execution environment for these scripts can become very heavyweight for the server (router/switch). Knowing how to bound and dimension the execution for this will be essential.
    • Need to reframe the ECA problem so that existing NETCONF WG members can see how to plug this idea into existing code constructs which they are stewarding.
      • Minimal deltas on YANG-Push, as YANG-Push exposes new 'Event' info on-change not available before.
      • Can 'conditions' be supported with existing XPATH as a starting point?
    • Actions can be either a 'YANG Notification' or a write to a (local?) YANG object model.
    • Download and management of the scripts from the client to the server. There would be similarity to how subscriptions are managed on a publisher.

Security & UDP Transport (Tianran)

  • As NETCONF is used for establish-subscription RPC message, there will need to be a mechanism to identify that a different transport protocol (UDP) will be used for the push updates.

    • So some form of RPC augmentation will always be needed for dynamic subscriptions will be needed when the push-update transport differs from that used for the subscription request.
    • Tianran exposed options for selecting a return port, and since we already have to augment to indicate the return protocol, providing the desired protocol port would seem an incremental change. This would match more closely to Tianran's option 2. Could also use a well known port (Option 1), but there might be security and port number implications which can be provided if the receiver can provide the port number.
  • Should try to align push-update security processes so that they are as similar as possible between dynamic & configured subscriptions.

  • Henk is going to look for a draft trying to identify common strategies for enhancing UDP characteristics

  • What else is needed for defining the UDP? Call home security considerations should be examined when an alternative protocol is being used for the push-updates.

Future agenda items

In 2 weeks

  • Multi linecard (Tiaran)

    • Next step: a technical specification for the various transactions previously identified as needed for the interaction model described in the draft.
  • Error Mechanism (Alex & Eric)

    • Go over recent proposals
  • More on UDP based on mailing list discussions (Tianran)

4 Weeks+

  • Smartfilters (Alex)
    • Open Question: Do we include aggregation as part of the filtering? Said no before, but Henk thinks perhaps useful.
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